Regulations of publishing – Haemus Review

Haemus Review accepts editorials and reviews only, which has not been published previously, except for the cases the issues presents personalities and far-reaching events.
Valuation of the academic quality of the issues is made according to the process double blind review. The correspondence between estimators and authors is made through the e-mail:
Haemus Review guarantees the fact that the works are not declined / modified because the expressed ideas are contrary to other previously published studies or because of the estimators’ positions, but only because they do not prove the marks of a scientific research.
The editorial staff secures the strict confidentiality for the rejected issues from publication, as well as for the modifications made inside them. The author assumes the whole responsibility for the ideas expressed inside the article, for the given documentary and the cited sources.
The review’s editorial staff does not assume the responsibility for the opinions expressed by the authors inside the articles sent for publication.
To have a great editorial efficiency, we kindly ask you the following criteria of editing:
-The dimensions of the article can vary between minimum 5 and maximum 15 pages A4 format standard (including the foot notes and bibliography, charts and/or diagrams, in case of need), the pages are numbered;
-The article must have a logical structure, respectively introduction, chapters (under chapters), and conclusions;
-The text must be written in Times New Roman characters with 14 sizes, with diacritical signs, at one row distance;
-The first page must contain the title of the written work (Times New Roman with 16 sizes, bold, centered) and the affiliation of the author (Times New Roman 12 sizes, name and surname, scientific title, the belonging to an institution / organization, in course of obtaining a Master degree statute / or a Doctor degree, as well as the e-mail address);
-The article will be accompanied by a summary / abstract (up to 250 words) and by the key words, 5 minimum, in English (Times New Roman of 12 sizes);
-The bibliography sources will be indicated in the foot notes and/or in the final bibliography (Times New Roman of 12 sizes, at one row), as it follows: name (written in capital letters), author’s first name (i), the written work title, the volume / the edition, the publishing house, the locality, the year, the page / the pages and the Internet sending is cited with the whole link and the date it was accessed. For citing an article there will be précised the following elements: the author (i), the title between inverted comas, the publication, the volume, number, day / month / an apparition, page / pages (p./pp.). If the work has not got an author, there will be put three little stars in the same raw (***) or the name of the institution the aegis of which the work has appeared;
-There will be used inverted comas for the quoted passage („ –for opening and “–for the ending);
-The images and / or the charts are numbered, and their title are written in a less body than the base text with 2 points, in justify form and centered under the image and/or the chart.
-It is always necessary to note the chart explanation, respectively of the graphic and to precise the source, the author if the case needs;
-The bibliography (Times New Roman of 12 sizes, at one row) is placed at the end of the article, after annexes. The written works are taken down in an alphabetical order of the authors’ names, numbering them with Arabian figures followed by the full stop; when there are two or more authors for a written work, the rule as regarding the alphabetical order is to be kept only for the first name.
The order of the data is as it follows: the author’s name and first name, the title of the written work, the volume / edition, the publishing house, the place, the year.

In Haemus: Regarding to materials published in Haemus, the author must pay an amount of between 90 and 120 Euro for each title / scientific material in all fields. This amount includes printing on paper and electronic journal, media, postal charges. Each author receives by mail two (1) copy of the magazine where he published and a digital copy (CD, or via email).

We expressly make the mention that our work is carried out voluntarily and any percentage of the amounts mentioned above and / or any donations is used only for what declared above.

The price of an each exemplars of the Haemus Review and / or an entire collection, on secure electronic edition or paper, are in the site:
